Zee Plan...

I "plan" to post at least once a week now... maybe twice if you're lucky. I might post random stuff that doesn't matter sometimes, but we'll see.

POSTING DAYS ARE MONDAYS because most people spend their Monday's reading stuff on the internet any way.

*All statements subject to change without notice. No returns or exchanges. Not to be used as a flotation device. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And so goes another one of those days where it's sunny...outside

Am currently dealing with one of those philisophical "chicken and egg" conversations. I have these mostly with myself. Mostly because having it with Husband (lately) would mean having to answer all those questions he asks that I can't answer.

Sometimes we're both such girls.

You know how girls want to know what you're thinking and when you tell them "I'm thinking it's cold outside" they look down at their shorts and tanktop and go "so you hate what I'm wearing. YOU HATE IT!"

Girls are such bitches.

Anyway. Chicken-Egg. Were girls always bitches or were guys trained to be non-intimacy understanding bastards and girls became bitches?

The real question is... Persuasion.

So I watched this chick movie over the weekend called The Jane Austen Book Club. I wanted to hate it in that way you hate on those movies where everyone is slightly dramatic and looking for love. I wanted to do that thing you do where you roll your eyes and make pithy comments and go "whatever, stupid chick movie with chicks in it."

Instead I found myself bawling my eyes out on the bed. Jane Austen and her damn book club just get it. They just get how hard it is sometimes to be married, to have to compromise for love, to open your heart to the idea of "staying together" and "working things out"... to love. Jane (yes I too would call her Jane, because we're like sisters and she GETS ME) knows that love SEEMS tricky but ultimately, when it comes down to it... it's quite simple.

You love... to be loved.

In the movie a bunch of women are all "oh boo hoo I want love like this" but don't get it. Then in the end they do. They get men who step up to the plate to be with them. This takes two hours.

It takes a lot longer in real life.

Another interesting facet of this whole Jane Austen thing is that she truly believes that after you get married you can in fact leave the rest behind (if need be). I think Emma stuck around to take care of her father without Mr. Knightly freaking out about how it was infringing upon his chosen lifestyle... but so many move on and just live love.

I don't think Jane was right about everything. I think she'd probably be the first to say she hadn't the slightest clue how to live the happily ever after part.

Women tend to think it goes something like "happy happy happy, love you, love you, love you" when maybe it's a little more like "happy, bored, border... happy... comfortable..."

I'm starting to ramble now, have a deadline.

We may be moving into our own place soon. Ugly wallpaper in the kitchen. People keep telling me to deal but last night I was still thinking about it, ugly country bumpkin wall paper in the kitchen.

We soldier on...

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