Zee Plan...

I "plan" to post at least once a week now... maybe twice if you're lucky. I might post random stuff that doesn't matter sometimes, but we'll see.

POSTING DAYS ARE MONDAYS because most people spend their Monday's reading stuff on the internet any way.

*All statements subject to change without notice. No returns or exchanges. Not to be used as a flotation device. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just another reason to send your kids to live with their grandparents until they reach the age of 22: So Baby tried to kill us last night

Because now she's into turning the knobs on our gas stove and apparently last night she decided to turn one of those knobs on, all the way. And then we went to bed.

Now, I can't smell on account of my head being filled with snot. And husband can barely smell anyway on account of being born allergic to EVERYTHING. And Baby was just flat out trying to kill us so why would she say anything along the lines of "by the way, I turned on the gas stove burner full blast, mu wa ha ha!!"

All night our little family slept. And in the morning I groggily got up and got dressed and jetted out the door. A little while later Baby and Husband woke up where by Husband said it smelled SO BAD in the house that he could actually smell it. Which meant it was bad. He immediately opened up every door and window and left with Baby to let the house air out.

Baby, currently on a death mission.

Geez... toddlers...

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