Zee Plan...

I "plan" to post at least once a week now... maybe twice if you're lucky. I might post random stuff that doesn't matter sometimes, but we'll see.

POSTING DAYS ARE MONDAYS because most people spend their Monday's reading stuff on the internet any way.

*All statements subject to change without notice. No returns or exchanges. Not to be used as a flotation device. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Today we took Baby to the small town days parade, old car festival and rummage sale

It was, so very our town. The local elementary, junior high and high school marched. Lots of old cards and horses walked and kids threw candy at us. Baby couldn't have been happier, she waved at each and every person going by, yelled at the horses and danced to the music pumping out of the old cars.

We were there with my little cousins (10 and 11) who spent their time running out into the street to grab candy.

It made me think back to Baby's first parade, which would have been St. Patty's Day in San Diego and how at that one we could "basically" see through the crowd while watching a lot of firemen drive by. And how after that Vee and Rae bought some beers, poured them into Arizona Ice Tea containers and we walked around the festival, like we were in college again...

Quite different today, as the parade featured a lot of yelling and cheering kids, who of course my cousins knew. So the parade went a lot like this "oh hey Tiffany, hey Paula, hey Mike, hey Janice."

Look, it's just a bunch of people we know walking in the middle of the street waving at us.

And we wave back.

Baby also was a million laughs at the festival, featuring local music talent who I swear to god raided my "Best 80's songs ever" Ipod folder for their play list, which was something like this:

Dire Straights: Money for nothing (chicks for free, I want my MTV!)
Divo: Whip it! (Whip it good!)
Crowded House: Don't dream it's over (hey now, hey now)
That song from The Breakfast Club (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't you, forget about me...)
That song from Pretty in Pink that they play when they go to the prom, which I can't for the life of me remember right now.
John Mellencamp: I grew up in a small town, and was born in a small town, and did a lot in a small town, small town, small town.
And finally Every little thing she does is magic, The Police.

My "Cousin who can't pick boyfriends" (she's 19, could ANYONE pick boyfriends at 19?) finally looked at me and goes "can we go, cause the music sucks."

And somewhere deep down I smacked her upside the head and went "what the f are you talking about crazy person, this music RULES."

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