Zee Plan...

I "plan" to post at least once a week now... maybe twice if you're lucky. I might post random stuff that doesn't matter sometimes, but we'll see.

POSTING DAYS ARE MONDAYS because most people spend their Monday's reading stuff on the internet any way.

*All statements subject to change without notice. No returns or exchanges. Not to be used as a flotation device. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Overheard Conversations: It's about TIME somebody told you to F off dude

Bum #1 outside the liquor store: Anybody within 50 feet of my voice who can hear me...does anybody know what time it is?!!!

Bum#2 outside the liquor store: It's time for us to tell you how much we love you.

Bum #1 outside the liquor store: Fuck you!

Random college student passing by: It's 3:03

Bum #1 outside the liquor store: Fuck you too!

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