Zee Plan...

I "plan" to post at least once a week now... maybe twice if you're lucky. I might post random stuff that doesn't matter sometimes, but we'll see.

POSTING DAYS ARE MONDAYS because most people spend their Monday's reading stuff on the internet any way.

*All statements subject to change without notice. No returns or exchanges. Not to be used as a flotation device. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear Mr. McCain: Who ever told you to select that cute little lady as your VP, give that guy a raise. A big one.

Good God I am loathe to admit that McCain's campaign is actually pulling one smart move, selecting a cute little lady from Alaska to be his Al Gore (you know, cute beta male, goes to meetings, looks nice standing next to you at the podium. NOT to be confused with selecting your own Dick Cheney or/ Devil Puppet Master).

So today Johnny announces that yes, in fact, he's selected a woman. From Jezebel.com Veepstakes It's confirmed: John McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. Palin is a conservative, pro-life Christian and self-described "hockey mom" who supports drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, something McCain opposes.

Oh man to sit in on those meetings:

Lowly campaign staffer 1: Hey, why don't we nominate a woman? Sure the media will say its pandering to womens supporters and sure people will have a skeptical eye on the whole thing, because it's almost like you actually DO feel threatened by OBAMA and his chances at winning sicne you feel like you have to combat him with some woman. But it just might work.

Johnny McCain: I don't know. I mean, it's a woman.

Lowly campaign staffer 1: I know, and it would mean having to work with a woman and having this woman stand next to you but come on.

Johnny McCain: Do you think we could get that one chick? You know the one that was all on TV for a while, talking about how she was going to change America. Blondie, you know, with the husband.

Lowly campaign staffer: You mean Hilary Clinton?

Johnny McCain: Yeah, that little honey. What's she up to? She's a woman right? We could stick her in a skirt any way, maybe fix her hair.

Lowly campaign staffer: I don't think she's available sir, but I'll look in to it.


Yeah yeah, I'm skeptical. And then I wonder, all those poor people who hate women and minorities, who are they going to vote for?!! WHO!!! This country is so polarizing to people that hate people, I mean sheesh.

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